Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Routine Blood Work Results

Blood work from week three, before tomorrow's scheduled MRI, with blood taken on 9/11/12:
rbc 4.09
wbc 4.22
platelets 133,000
creatinine 1.2
Bun 20.5

The first three (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) are mostly effected by chemotherapy. When they get too far off, we're concerned about Steve's body having trouble with the chemo. Since these numbers are pretty close to normal, we're thinking Steve managed the last 250 mg chemo dose well. Dr Hu said the standard of care is 250 to 400 mg. We wonder if Steve's dose will increase again.

These lab numbers are usually the lowest at this time of the month, the third week of chemotherapy.
Steve has been feeling a little fatigued. Terry thinks the humidity they've been having is affecting Steve, since he feels tired, has a headache at the location of scar, and his scar feels tight.

Tomorrow is the bimonthly MRI. They are always a little scared before each MRI. We're sending out all our good thoughts and wishes in support of Steve. The MRI is scheduled for 6:45 am! It's a good thing they are early risers. Then they have an appointment with Dr. Hu at 10:00 when they hear the results from the MRI.

Next week is Nathan's fifteenth birthday! They will have a family dinner on Wednesday which includes celebrating Terry's Mom's birthday, too. Then Nathan will have his friends over on the weekend for a slumber party (or a Non-slumber party, as the case may be). Terry says she and Steve will stay upstairs, out of the way of the kids. They are so grown up now!

So, I was looking at the Temodar website. Does anyone wonder what this stuff looks like? There are all kinds of warnings about not opening the capsules or chewing them or getting the drug on your skin or mucous membranes. Yikes!

Suggested Capsule Combinations per Day 
Number of Daily Capsules by Strength (mg)
2.0 m²300mg0capsule 1

Capsules are not
shown at actual size.
The Suggested Capsule Combination, based on daily dose in adults, is determined from BSA calculated above.

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