Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Latest Doctor's Appointment

It's time again for Steve's monthly lab work. Here are the results of his blood test taken during week 3 after the last round of chemotherapy. As of Tuesday, October 9th:

wbc 4.5 (normal range 4.3-10.8)
rbc 4.19 (normal range for men 4.7-6.1. Steve is just a little low.)
creatine 1.19 (Still technically high but within what the nephrologist thought would be his new normal range).
platelets 121,000 a little low (normal 150,000)
bun 19

Dr. Hu says the numbers mean Steve is fine, there is nothing alarming, Steve is doing great. They will continue the same dose, 300 mg Temodar as last month. Temodar is dosed according to body mass. At Steve's size the very highest dose would be 370 mg. Due to how sick Steve was during the initial, intense delivery of chemotherapy, they don't expect him to reach the 370 mg level. The doctor is happy with the 300 dose. As usual, Steve will have another round of blood work soon, just before the next round of chemotherapy begins.

Earlier this month, Steve had a mild reaction after his flu shot was given. He felt chilly, shivery and nauseous for a short while. We think his reaction was worsened because of the chemotherapy. Normally, Steve feels fine with regular anti-nausea medications. He has been maintaining his 245 pound weight. He started at 306 pounds before his diagnosis. He is walking their dog, Amber, on weekends. He stopped using the treadmill since he's too tired after work.

Their family went to Disneyland one Sunday through Tuesday and had lots of fun and some good quality family time. Steve didn't require any more rest periods than any one else as they took an afternoon break back at their hotel before returning to the park in the evenings. Good times!

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