Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another Day of Nothing at Kaiser

The big appointment with Dr. Greene, upon whom we were hoping to move forward and get surgery scheduled and/or a referral to UCLA, was a bust. Lesley and Greg both missed a day of work to accompany Steve and Terry for this appointment. I talked to both Terry and Lesley on the phone afterwards and they agreed that it was a waste of many hours.

First, an assistant was doing some preliminary intake information, got psychotic and over-emotional and ran out of the room. The manager apologized. Then they waited a long time for the doctor. When they asked him about a referral to UCLA he said he couldn't do it because it has to be the neurosurgeon, Dr. Pikel to do it. They have had an appointment with Dr. Pikel this Thursday for a while.

Terry called the Office of the Patient Advocate but they couldn't do anything unless Kaiser denied treatment. Another dead end.

That is all.


  1. Lisa, you did a great job on the blog! Even though I talk to Terry often, she is exhausted after the appts. and it's hard to talk in detail. I, along with many of our friends, really appreciate the updated information on Steve's condition and all of the information you have provided. CANCER SUCKS!!!!!

  2. I agree, Wendy, this whole situation SUCKS! I know Terry has been exhausted. Sometimes she doesn't have time to talk to me, plus I'm sure she's saying the same thing over many times to everybody. I'm just writing what I know or what I hear. I'm glad you find it informative.

    I know Terry has appreciated all you have done and is reassured by you and your willingness to help her out when she needs you. I thank you, too.


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